The majesty of the Hudson River has captivated both artists and visitors for generations, and the gardens along its banks have a unique character. From the early gardens of riverfront estates like Clermont and Montgomery Place, with their sweeping lawns and spectacular views of the river and far-off mountains, to the Beaux Arts masterpiece Kykuit and the 1950s gardens at Manitoga, the historic gardens highlight the significant r…ole of the Hudson Valley in the development of American landscape design. Many of the major figures worked here, including Andrew Jackson Downing, Frederick Law Olmsted, Beatrix Farrand, and Fletcher Steele, and their ideas continue to resonate in the 21st century. Included are a number of private, contemporary gardens that are informed by both the history and topography of the valley; the grand themes evoked in the larger historic properties are echoed in these smaller, more modest landscapes.
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