New England Wild Flower Society to visit the Brine Garden | Garden Large
The New England Wild Flower Society to visit the Brine Garden
The Brine Design:
Landscape and Garden Principles in Practice
Join an on-site seminar at landscape designer Duncan Brine’s own six-acre garden. The Brine Garden – now in its 21st year – resembles a public garden, with multiple areas, each with its own character.
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America’s first native plant group, The New England Wild Flower Society of Framingham, Massachusetts is to visit the Brine Garden this fall.
Native plants from Horticultural Design’s nursery help the Brine Garden blend with adjacent naturalistic areas and preserved lands. Anne Raver of The New York Times recently described the garden as a “dream-like landscape.” Author Ruah Donnelly describes The Brine Garden as “a naturalistic display garden of remarkable artistry and diversity.” Prolific garden book author, Tovah Martin, writes that at the Brine Garden, “elements of concealment and surprise are written into the landscape.” This roaming seminar will include a discussion of Duncan Brine’s landscape design process, and respond to your observations and questions.
Leader: Duncan Brine is the Principal of Horticultural Design, Inc., Pawling, NY, as well as an instructor for the New York Botanical Garden.
Fall 2011
Saturday, October 1, from 1pm to 4p