New Book, Talks, and Interviews:
Private Gardens of the Hudson Valley
featuring the Brine Garden.
Writer: Jane Garmey; photographer: John Hall
Private Gardens of the Hudson Valley is
one of five books recently selected and featured
in the New York Times.
“Gardening Today” in the New York Times
Northwest Flower & Garden Show,
Seattle, Washington
Duncan Brine speaker and judge.
Open to the public.
February 5-9, 2014.
New York Botanical Garden
Naturalistic Landscape Design: a seminar with Duncan Brine.
February 26, 2014.
Mad Gardeners Symposium
Changing Places:
Anne Raver Interviewed by Duncan Brine
Falls Village, CT
March 1, 2014
Garden clubs, horticultural societies, and botanical gardens visit GardenLarge’s Brine Garden by special arrangement. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed hosting the New York Botanical Garden, the New England Wild Flower Society, Hortus, and various garden clubs.
Tour the garden with GardenLarge’s principal landscape designers, Duncan and Julia Brine. Receive plant lists of species indigenous to Dutchess County, NY, and other natives.
Share the garden with us– schedule a tour for your group.
Naturalistic landscape design since 1984
Phone: 845-855-9023