We grow many of the plants we use for our landscape design projects. We’ve assembled communities of native plants – and other favorites – which enjoy local conditions. Our shrubs and trees have natural outlines. They don’t have the “shorn” look of commercial nurseries.
“They have plants of truly connoisseur quality…they’re all botanical aristocrats.”
— Litchfield County Times, Passport Magazine, Tovah Martin
“When the couple first moved in, (1990) …’We had more plants than furniture,’ Brine remarks. ‘My dream was to have a large garden, and part of my philosophy was to have a nursery.'”
– Hudson Valley Magazine, Best of the Hudson Valley, Lynn Hazlewood
“The nursery is part of the infrastructure that makes a large garden possible…”
— Litchfield County Times, Passport Magazine, Tovah Martin
“ ‘I urge clients to have a nursery in their garden. It’s a place to put stuff you rip out and don’t know where to put. What boggles people, and ties up everything, is when you have to remove and replant at the same time. If you have a nursery, it’s a storage place. You can use it for propagating. You can shop for plants and keep them in the nursery until you know where they should go. It’s vital, even in a modest garden, because you don’t want to move things endlessly… it makes a difference to have a range of plants that are appropriate for your palette.’ ”
— Hudson Valley Magazine, Best of the Hudson Valley, Lynn Hazlewood